Baby Led Weaning
Baby led weaning (BLW) takes patience, practice and repetition-just like everything else in parenting. And most moms are up for the challenge, but don’t know how to get started. We see you mama and team ezpz is here to help!
Here is a quick overview of the most common questions we receive on BLW with helpful links and product information to get you going on your feeding journey. We make navigating BLW ezpz!
What is Baby Led Weaning (BLW)?
Strict BLW skips puree foods and starts baby on finger foods that the rest of the family is eating. In this method, baby is in control of the feeding process; the pace of the meal and learning their own fullness cues. This approach encourages baby to be independent and consume the quantity they choose. Here are a few ideas to think about, as you get started:
- In the beginning, start off slow, by only offering one food at a time.
- Then offer 3 different foods at a meal (instead of just a bowl of cereal or a bowl of mac & cheese)
- Avoid giving more than 5 foods (too many choices can be overwhelming for a new or hesitant eater)To learn more about the different BLW and other feeding tips, check out our blog: Baby Led Weaning.
How do I know when my baby is ready to start BLW?
Sometimes families are so excited to start baby on solids that they accidentally begin too early (without knowing some of the risks). Here are some signs of readiness to look for:
- Is baby six months of age?
- Can baby sit up on their own without losing their balance?
- Does baby reach for your food or drink and/or grasp objects?
- Does baby bring their hand, objects or food to their mouth?
- Does baby have the head control to look up, down and to both sides without falling forward?
- Does baby stare at you intently while you are eating and/or have an interest in food?
- Does baby start to drool, munch on their hand or open their mouth in time with you feeding yourself?Is baby’s tongue thrust reflex gone (or decreased)?
To learn more about starting solids too soon and other feeding tips, check out our blog: Are you Feeding Baby Too Early.
What products do I need to get started?
It’s important to navigate BLW safely, avoid feeding challenges and try to make mealtime less stressful. Choosing the right products can make this feeding journey ezpz!

High Chair
Pick one that has a stable and moveable foot rest to help with posture and decrease choking

Choose one that suctions to the table, offers three food items, is non-toxic and is dishwasher safe. Take a peek at the ezpz Mini Mat!

Select a bowl that will fit on the tiniest of highchair trays (for when you travel to grandmas, a restaurant, or friend house). Check out the ezpz Tiny Bowl!

Pick a bib that does not tie around baby’s neck (causing irritation, pressure, chafing and increased choking risk). We love BapronBaby bibs which tie around baby’s back.
Open cup drinking, spoon-feeding and self-feeding milestones all start at 6 months of age. So parents need a safe infant cup and spoon to help baby become an independent eater and drinker!

Select an open cup vs. a Sippy cup. Developmentally, at 6 months, baby should transition from breast/bottle to sips from an open cup (held by an adult). The ezpz Tiny Cup is a safe choice for teaching open cup drinking.

Choose an infant spoon that baby can easily hold and self feed with. The ezpz Tiny Spoon was designed to help baby learn how to use a utensil independently and be successful with fine motor milestones of dipping and scooping!
To learn more about infant cup drinking milestones and infant spoon feeding milestones check out our blogs: Feeding Milestones for Baby: Cup Drinking and Baby-Led Spoon Feeding at 6 Months.
I’m nervous about starting BLW, and doing it wrong.
Introducing your baby to solid foods can be a fun yet scary transition for both you and your little one. Here are some expert tips, which will help you feel confident and comfortable starting BLW.
- Wait to offer food until 6 months.
- Wait to clean baby’s face until the end of the meal.
- Learn the correct portion sizes for your baby’s age.Use a sectioned plate.
To learn more about the most common pitfalls parents make (and how to avoid them), check out our blogs: Common BLW Pitfalls and How to Avoid them (Part 1) and (Part 2).
How do I decrease gagging and choking?

Only place a few strips of food in a bowl at at time to avoid overstuffing.

Give baby time to swallow all the food in their mouth before offering more food in the bowl.
To learn more tips on how to avoid mistakes with baby-led spoon feeding, check out our blog: Tips to Avoid Choking.
How do I choose the right foods for BLW?

Pick foods that are soft.

Chose foods that can be cut in long strips (like French fries)

Use foods that baby can hold easily.
To learn more about introducing favorite BLW foods like banana and avocado, check out our blogs: How to Introduce Banana to Babies and How to Introduce Avocado.
What are the developmental milestones for feeding?
• Lip Control – Having baby learn to close their lips on an open-cup or spoon is a feeding milestone critical for safe swallowing. Improve lip control with the: Tiny Cup + Tiny Spoon
• Drink from an Open Cup (Held by an Adult) – Developmentally, at 6 months of age, baby should transition from breast/bottle to sips from an open-cup held by an adult (not a sippy cup). Improve cup drinking skills with the: Tiny Cup
• Ready for Thin, Thick and Lumpy Purees – The unique oval shape encourages infants to easily see inside the bowl, making eye-hand coordination for self-feeding more successful. Improve feeding skills with the: Tiny Bowl
• Ready for Soft Foods (at 6 Months) – Baby led weaning (BLW) starts at 6 months of age. Since the Mini Mat suctions to the table, it supports stability and posture, allowing baby to pick up strips of food easily. Improve feeding skills with: Mini Mat
• Hold and Bring Object / Spoon to Mouth – The properly sized Tiny Spoon, helps baby move their jaw, cheeks, tongue and upper lip in order to decreased gagging associated with stating solids. Improve baby-led spoon feeding with: Tiny Spoon
• Rake (Grasp) Objects and Food – Baby can easily rake up foods, making self-feeding more productive since the Mini Mat stays put with it’s suction feature. Improve raking grasp with: Mini Mat
Happy Feeding!
Dawn Winkelmann, M.S, CCC-SLP
Dawn Winkelmann, a.k.a “Ms. Dawn”, has treated thousands of kids across the globe by helping families overcome picky eating stages and food refusals, while adding new foods into their diet. Her high success rate is attributed to Ms. Dawn bringing her education, experience, sense of humor and her favorite feeding products to the family dinner table.
You will find Ms. Dawn’s expert feeding advice to be positive and fun for the entire family! She adapts complicated feeding/swallowing research and makes it practical and easy for parents! Get ready to learn the science behind your favorite feeding products and ways to bring happy family mealtimes back!